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Miniature radio module for wireless data transfer
Miniature radio module for wireless data transfer IBR F620 100
User Code: F620 100
In stock
Availability: 5 weeks
€118.75 €118.75 + VAT


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ISM band radio module for Triple-I interface

Product Details

The miniature radio module ISM – 3i allows transmission of measured values from gauges with IBR TRIPLE-I interface to a PC or IMB-ism module. The transmission of measured values is triggered by pressing the data key on the gauge and is optically confirmed by the gauge’s LCD display. The miniature radio modules are individually and wirelessly programmable by PC software and store these settings. Up to 120 radio modules can work in parallel with a PC radio station by means of programmable module addresses.

Delivered Items

  • Miniature radio module ISM – 3i
  • Screwdriver
  • 2 screws M2 x 5 for mounting on gauge
  • Instruction manual


Connection Triple - I, Triple-I

Product Dimensions

Width 26.0 mm
Height 23.0 mm
Depth 45.0 mm
Weight 0.003 kg