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IBR F620 310
User Code: F620 310
In stock
Availability: 5 weeks
€275.00 €275.00 + VAT


Največja dovoljena količina za ta izdelek je 100000.

Radio module, pluggable into gauges with Proximity interface

Product Details

The miniature radio module ISM - prox allows the transmission of measured values from gauges with Proximity data output to a PC. The transmission of measured values is triggered by pressing the data key on the gauge and is optically and acoustically confirmed by the ISM - prox radio module. The miniature radio modules are individually and wirelessly programmable by a PC programme and store these settings. By programmable module addresses up to 120 radio modules can work parallel with a PC workstation.

Delivered Items

  • Miniature radio module ISM - prox
  • 2 Batteries
  • Instruction manual


Connection Proximity