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IMBus terminator

IBR F120 100
User Code: F120 100
IMBus terminator
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Availability: 5 weeks
€38.13 €38.13 + VAT


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IMBus terminator

Product Details

The bus terminator is an essential component in the IMBus system to properly terminate the bus line, ensuring signal integrity and preventing reflection or signal loss.
Installation and Mounting:
Steps for Mounting:
Replace the screws with the pins included in the shipment.
Plug in the bus terminator and secure it by screwing it into place.
Typical Mounting Scenarios:
It is mounted on the IMBus systems built using connection cables like IMB-232 or IMB-LAN/IMB-WLA modules.
The bus terminator can be mounted on systems configured with IMBus connection cables or modules.
It is positioned at the ends of the IMBus system to complete the bus configuration.