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IBR F122 093
User Code: F122 093
In stock
Availability: 5 weeks
€350.00 €350.00 + VAT


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Module with 8 galvanic separated outputs

Product Details

The IMBus module IMB-co8 serves to switch voltages on controlling tasks. Eight corresponding actuator outputs are made available at the module’s two connecting strips. Each output has its own status indicator. The IMBus-Module IMB-co8 comes with eight Power-FET outputs. All outputs feature galvanic separation via opto-electronic couplers. The outputs are designed as High-Side-Switches and are suitable for medium switching capacity. Furthermore, the outputs are short-circuit-proof and reverse-polarity-protected. They also feature internal overload protection and are suitable for switching inductive loads without external recovery diodes. The connections are made by plug-able terminal strips.