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Ethernet connection module
Ethernet connection module IBR F120 030
User Code: F120 030
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Availability: 5 weeks
€477.50 €477.50 + VAT


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IMBus connection module to LAN networks (10/100 MBit Ethernet) incl. patch cable, Cross Over adapter, bus terminator and support software

Product Details

The connection module IMB-lan is used to connect an IMBus to a LAN network ( 10 / 100 MBit Ethernet ). Included in the delivery is a cross over cable, patch cable, bus terminator and support CD. Via the IMBus connection modules you can connect a wide variety of measuring modules, interface modules and control modules at the same time ( up to 64 measuring inputs and 64 control inputs / outputs ). In this way a maximum of flexibility for the selection of measuring instruments / sensors is achieved. If an IMB-lan is used, an additional power supply module is needed.


IBR-Type IMBus - Series
IBR-Type-2 IMBus PC - Connections
Connection LAN
Power supply voltage from IMBus +5 V
Supply current < 150 mA
Interfaces IMBus ( RS485 ), Ethernet 10 / 100 Mbit
Connectors IMBus electrical connector - 9-pin Sub-D connector, Ethernet connector - RJ45 jack ( suitable for IP65 cable )
Measuring parameters 250 measuring values / sec (New chipset ( Ser.No. >= 00200022 )), 65 measuring values / sec (Old chipset)
Working temperature range 0 ... 45°C
Storage temperature range -20 ... +80 °C
Protection class IP65
Electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) Interference emission according to EN50081-2, Interference resistance according to EN50082-2

Product Dimensions

Width 62.0 mm
Height 50.0 mm
Depth 49.3 mm
Weight 0.102 kg